Monthly Report

December 2004
Happy Holidays and warmest wishes to everyone! Once again we would like to send a great big thank-you to all the people who has shown their love and kindness by supporting us this month. We would also like to thank Intercontinental Truck Body for their consideration and generosity.

During the past few months we have been appealing for people to commit to helping the children of Buiga Sunrise through donations and by getting involved with our project. We have been successful in collecting $7 700 and our goal is to raise $24 500. We are working hard to find businesses, groups and individuals to help us reach our target within the next three months. We are also asking for anyone who wishes to make a donation to simply click on the Sponsor A Child button and we will mail you a sponsorship package immediately!

Sponsor A Child

In compassion lies the world’s true strength. ~ Buddha

November 2004
We would like to send a big thank you to everyone who has made a donation to our preschool this month - we greatly appreciate your kindness and support! Ssali has posted some photos on the website of all the volunteers who are working so hard to make this project happen. November has been a difficult month as we have not had sufficient donations to move ahead as quickly as we would like, however we have been able to finish the guard house and the pit latrines. We have included photos of the finished buildings. 

Augustine has started on the foundation of the school, however this is the most important, therefore the most expensive part of the building. We would like to continue with construction so we can welcome the first group of students on February 28, which is the beginning of the new school year. There are sixty children who are waiting for us to provide them with the education, nutrition and health care that we have promised. Please, if you would like to make a donation now is the perfect time to help us. 

You can send your contribution directly and securely using our Paypal option on Our Contacts page, or you can send a check to us c/o Margaret Van Seters. Also, if you would like to send us an email we would love to hear from you! If you can sponsor a child please commit now, so we can continue to move forward. Thank You! 

The smallest good deed is better than the grandest good intention. ~ Duguet

Guard House (Under Construction)

Guard House (Complete) 

Pit Latrine

October 2004
O'lyotya (Hello) Everybody!  September was a busy month. All three acres of land have been fenced, 3 pit latrines have been dug and the foundation for the security house has been built.  We have made a few small changes to the website and have added photos of some of the volunteers who are helping to make this project possible. Ssali has also installed a Paypal Donation tab on the contact page, which will enable donors to make secure, direct deposits from their credit cards.  We have been emailing friends and family with the address for this website, and if you know anyone who may be interested in supporting us, please pass on our information. 

Augustine Wamala, our contractor, is ready to continue moving forward with construction during the month of October.  He intends to finish building the security house and begin construction of the school foundation, however, further progress is dependant on your incoming donations. We have included some photos of the work accomplished in September and we hope to be able to make as much progress on October.  Thank-you for reading our monthly update and take care! 

Photos of the construction progress (Click for full view)

Pit Latrine


Fence Posts

Foundation of Security house


What I can do, you cannot. What you can do, I cannot. But together we can do something beautifulMother Teresa

September 2004:
We are very excited to have hired a contractor, Augustine Wamala, and commenced construction on the pre-school!  Our first project is to have the land fenced, pit latrines dug and a small house built for the caretaker. We are clearing weeds and planting a large garden to provide fruits and vegetables for the children.  Jacqueline Nassali, the accountant for Buiga Farm Industries, is looking into having the preschool registered as a charity in Uganda.  Nicole Van Seters and Michael Mugerwa are attending the 2004 Ugandan North American Association Conference in Seattle.  We are hoping to successfully network and gather information from the many people attending the conference.

The following blueprint was drawn by Ian Van Seters and shows the layout of the school building and surrounding property [ School Layout ]

The following is a cost estimate prepared by Steven Tamale.  We hope to reduce costs as much as possible, while maintaining good quality construction [ Construction Costs ]

Thank you for reading our monthly report.  Visit us again in October to see how we’re moving ahead!

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted ~ Aesop