Nicole Van Seters: Founder & Director
Quality education & compassionate medical care are essential for people to lead healthy, productive lives, which in turn allows them to contribute to their communities. I am grateful to be part of an amazing network of individuals who are dedicated to creating positive change.
Daaki Edson: Program Manager
At Sunrise we are able to help transform a rural community through little acts of kindness in education and healthcare. I am passionate about agricultural and community led approaches for self-sustainability.
Timothy Ziwa: School Team Leader
At Sunrise, I am privileged to be working with self driven and hard-working women and men determined to provide quality but affordable education for self reliance to the young generation. Remember, "Education is what one remains with after one has forgotten what one has learned in school." Albert Einstein.
Wampula Joel: Clinic Team Leader
I am motivated by the opportunity to provide affordable services to underserved people in the local community, through provision of affectionate education and healthcare.
Preschool Team
We enjoy being part of the preschool section at Buiga Sunrise School. We invite families to bring their children to Sunrise for a loving and caring environment that builds a strong foundation for holistic development
Sammie Kafeero: Certified Accountant
Lower Primary Team
We are the Buiga Sunrise staff from grades 1-4. We love Sunrise so much and are proud to be a part of building a brighter future. Cheers!
Christine Harriet: Head Midwife
I believe Grace Clinic is the best birth centre in Mukono county. Mothers appreciate the good care given to them, including free services like, deliveries, family planning, immunizations & cervical cancer screening.
Upper Primary Team
Sunrise! Sunrise! Sunrise! We always stand firm for Buiga Sunrise. From our hearts, Sunrise School is the best school to learn, explore talents, develop skills and stay with no worries. Join us and together we will shine!!!
Clinic Team
The community is very appreciative of the comprehensive medical services offered at Grace Clinic. We provide 24 hour care and are working closely with the Ugandan Ministry of Health, Seeta Nazigo and Population Services International (PSI).
Local Advisory Committee 💛
Clinic Team 2 💛
Photos are Courtesy of Sunrise Supporter and Volunteer Michael Thompson - thank you for sharing your talents and capturing the Sunrise Team so beautifully!